30 Day Happiness Habit Challenge

Are you a glass half full or half empty person?

What You Get

Are you a glass half full or half empty person? This is a great example to illustrate that there are often two sides to any story and that you have a choice in how you view things. And that choice in turn determines how happy you feel. Happiness then becomes a choice you make every single day.

Over the course of the month we challenge you to think about what makes you happy and share various things we can do to increase our happiness.
It takes daily conscious decisions to change habits and how we approach life. That’s where the challenge comes into play.

From exploring what makes you happy, to various strategies of becoming HAPPY and implementing it, this 30 Days will be life transforming for you once you start implementing it.

These are collection of great thoughts from various sources and it helped me and I am sure it will be helpful to you too.

We are also going to share a little Happiness Nugget with you each day here in the email. We hope these simple little tips and inspiring quotes will put a smile on your face and help you along your journey to a happier you. 

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