5 Powerful Tips To Start Beating Procrastination

5 Powerful Tips To Start Beating Procrastination

Every single one of us procrastinates or has procrastinated at some time or another. One of the major consequence of Procrastination is it leads to STRESSFUL LIFE and hampers the PRODUCTIVITY of an Individual and may effect the organizational productivity too.

I would like to share 5 Simple Yet Powerful Tips to BEAT Procrastination which had helped me to overcome Procrastination to the larger extent.

1. Write down a list of the tasks you’ve been putting off. 

Keep this list in front of you, because “out of sight is out of mind.” Tackle each task, one by one, with intense focus, until you begin to see a reduction in the number of things on your list. Just crossing things off of a to-do list can be incredibly motivating. It’s a visual reminder that you really got to work and do what you were supposed to do.

2. Decide whether your procrastination is coming from fear, anger, or sadness. 

This might be uncomfortable for you, but will help you get to the heart of why you procrastinate. The reasons are different for everyone, and they may run very deep. Even things that happened to you during childhood can create a tendency toward procrastination. So examine these feelings closely.

3. When you’ve finally pinpointed the emotion behind your procrastination, do something physically dramatic to get rid of it. 

For instance, if you’re angry because you need to do something you don’t like doing, go punch a punching bag or a pillow, or grab a thick, dead tree branch and beat it on the ground. Doing this gets rid of the unreleased emotion and makes it easier for you to move forward, and free by that emotion.

4. Learn to identify negative thoughts about a task, and when you have a negative thought, stop and turn it around into something positive. 

There is always a silver lining to every cloud - you just need to be able to be aware of your negative thoughts and now reverse it. Look is there any good about doing the task instead of procrastinating it.

5. Take the tasks you’re putting off, and break them down into more easily accomplished steps. 

It’s far easier to stay focused on small tasks than enormous goals, so breaking down your project will allow you to get much more done. Bigger task are many times overwhelming and one tends to procrastinate it. Smaller task appears to be doable and motivates one to do it.

I hope above TIPS are useful to you and do try to put it in your daily routine. Consistency is the key here.

Categories: : Productivity